Because its time to go even further in the hole since 3-buy ins down isn't enough and my drink is on.
WhoWuddaThot: got lucky
SnailTrax: got lucky being born an idiot?
Yes, lets play a $50 HORSE SnG with Keith Sexton, Daddy, and DonkeyPuncher!
10:20pm Daddy's set of 4s falls to 32o that four flushes (see note above)
10:25pm Near double cash in the Daily Double thwarted when flush chaser over comes my top two for nearly his whole stack near the money. I hate poker deeply.
10:28pm Daddy's stacked in half by same idiot in O8 when quads hit the river
10:32pm SnailTrax: Hey, I've got Keith Friggin' Sexton outchipped. WhoWuddaThot: lol
10:38pm SnailTrax: Still can't belive the Full Tilt Store is giving up one-legged asian boys for 6,000,000 FTP. Talk about a deal. Dealer: moonbeams wins the pot (120)Dealer: Hand #5438494224 SnailTrax: Looks like the Mini Cooper will have to wait.
10:40pm Dealer: Hand #5438499268WhoWuddaThot: whew SnailTrax: Keith, what do you drive? Keith Sexton: batmobile Dealer: WhoWuddaThot shows two pair, Tens and FivesDealer: WhoWuddaThot wins the pot (1,460) with two pair, Tens and FivesSnailTrax: Sick.Dealer: Hand #5438507901 WhoWuddaThot: needed that SnailTrax: Do you have an implied odds calculator on your BatBelt?
10:41pm Still alive in DD1, not looking good for the cat
10:42pm All in with Queens, great someone wakes up with Kings and I bubble great fuckin night of poker
10:46pm DP is all in and doesn't catch up to AQo of the idiot, one blogger down
10:49pm Daddy is back with a rivered wheel in Stud H/L SnailTrax: That play reminded me of Keith Sexton in the '97 Series.
10:52pm I'm lowish on chips, Daddy is kicking some ass after his wheel
10:57pm rolled up fours in Razz, that's about how my night is going
10:59pm I get a little back with a bully calling my all in with a 9, I hit a smooth 6 to stay alive
11:04pm Captain Coke nearly gone and so are my chips, seriously considering no poker for the month of March, Daddy still solid in 2nd place
11:06pm Bubble time and yours truly is ass-backward in last, good thing me and Daddy swapped or this would truly suck ass bubbling
11:10pm Coooooooooooooooooold fuckin cards going with 456, and a double!
11:13pm holy double cash batman!! SEXTON IS TOAST!!
11:15pm another double as I avoid 15 million outs in Stud H/L, Daddy sitting on 3K, chip leader 7K, me 1.7K
11:19pm Beer/Cap'n piss and some Metal Shop rock to take this bitch home, I need some lovin'
11:21pm ANOTHER DOUBLE! 98s flops two pair gets called down by top pair no kicker
11:25pm Blinds getting up there at 150/300, I needs some lovin again
11:29pm No Omaha love as I flat line with trips vs. a straight
11:29pm Daddy out next hand to the luckbox, and we all sing in the yellow submarine full of cash except the losing 3 buy ins part which still sucks, time to go strum some Raining Blood on Guitar Hero.