Tuesday, January 22, 2008

I Hit It Bodoggie Style For the Win

I was ready to put out some good non-poker content (if I've ever done so without hating on the asshole who doesn't sweep the snow off their car and you're driving directly behind them while getting pelted like a white guy telling racist jokes at the Apollo). I even lost the lock bets with CK and Bayne (gg sirs and ma'ams) while bombing out of the blogger O8 game.

But my story of the lost child will have to wait until I get some sufficient rest or that handle of Cap'n calls my name as the itchy balls need to be tamed by something other then a frozen medley of peas, corn, diced carrots, and Vicodin.

Got some cards early, stole late, got my money in good heads up while down 3 or 4 to 1.

That hot chocolate better be strong tomorrow.

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