Just two days ago, this mat never saw a flake of snow
At least someone was happy about the 8 inches of snow that fell.
This is me giving all of you warm weather people the "Minnesota One Finger Salute".
Thanks for dropping by, now if anyone is clearing the PartyPoker "tiered" bonus this month, please let me know if the bonus is supposed to show up in your pending bonuses stage after clearing the first 1000 hands. I emailed their customer service but after reading Matt Maroon's attempt to change his address I'm not liking my chances of getting a coherent response in English.
For those who like the pokery stuff here's the Spaceballs short-short version, minus Princess Vespa.
Seven tabled $25PLO8 at Party = Cleared bonus + $50 profit
DADI: Pushed with 99, called by 88, 8 on the turn = me still hating tourneys
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