Ah, back in my cube monkey domicile. My mind is running a mile a minute due to some wonderful emails proclaiming my incorrect judgment on some business type matters. I’d like to thank people for helping me with those decisions, because when I ask for information to be verified I really want you to give me old/outdated/incorrect information so I have to do three times the work to get it corrected. Awesome!
Pissy mood?
Spot on.
The weather outside isn’t helping. Apparently no one informed the state that snow/rain/ice isn’t allowed until next year after a gorgeous weekend which I almost got some sun on my pasty white thighs while taking Little Drizz around the block for a walk. I guess improving the pigment on my alabaster legs will have to wait until sometime in May. We even went out to Sports Authority yesterday to pick up a soccer net for Wyatt to punt his mini ball into, but mother nature intended other things as we’re move likely to build snow castles then sand castles tonight.
For some reason I have “I Saw Red” by Warrant playing over and over in my head. Maybe I should stop falling asleep with Arena Rock playing in the background.
It was an uneventful beginning for yours truly in the WPBT Player of the Year race last night. With the game being Pot Limit Omaha, and seeing that I’ve played Omaha once or twice, I liked my chances of a final table. Beginning table looked soft enough while staring back at Arnold, Spaceman Spiff, Change100, TripJax, and Doubleas. These bums don’t know how to play poker do they? I sighed heavily as I figured I’d at least get $22 worth of conversation out of these wunderkinds of poker’s written word. Ok they may not be child prodigies but damn, to accomplish so much in such a short time with this beloved card game of ours its phe-nom-ial.
Enough with the circle jerk, lets play some cards.
I was beat down early by Tennessee’s own Spaceman trouncing of my flopped set of queens, I had to release them after a turned card put a straight and two big flush draws on the board. I got lucky quickly after that as I flopped a top full house vs. Doubleas’ underfill and he was kind enough not to river quads. Then while holding KQJJ and a flop of T 9 3, I called a min bet from TripJax to see a wonderful J hit the turn (get it Trip Jacks vs. TripJax har har har, ok I’m officially a dork). With the nut straight and top set I pushed all in to win after avoiding his flush draw plus ass-end of the straight.
Soon after Doubleas parted ways with us, our table was split up and I found my last home of the evening. 9th out 33 left with an above average stack I was feeling good, much the Arizona Cardinals are after picking up Edgerrin James this weekend.
Did you hear that sound? That’s the 10 million fantasy football players who have James as a keeper in their league rushing to their keyboards trying to trade him. Maybe Denny “Let’s run a draw play on third and long every time” Green can take the futility out of the Cards with this pick up and a top receiving core, but besides money I don’t see logic behind James’ move. Nicer weather and close to ASU’s campus for party central?
Oh, I was playing poker wasn’t I. Yeah, I swam around with my same stack for a few orbits till I ran my AA5J into a set of threes, my 10 outs twice didn’t hit and I was left to go search for hardcore hentai midget porn. Initially I was a little tiffed to be beaten by a hand like 3399, but I can point to overplaying my aces with additional outs a little too hard as my downfall. That and no one likes pussy poker, folding is pansies and guys with too much hair gel (leave it to BobbyBracelet to find this stuff).
For those poker bonus hunters out there, PokerStars and PartyPoker are currently offering reload bonuses.
Stars of course is the 20% up to $120 and never expires bonus that they offer occasionally. It is redeemable after acquiring 600 base FPPs (or VPPs if you earn multiple FPPs for being a VIP currently). And if that last sentence contained my acronyms then your basic military reference book, hop over to the website for details.
PartyPoker’s current offer is more for the multi-tabling crew as they want you to play 1000 raked hands in seven days 25% up to $100. BUT THERE’S MORE! If you play 1000 raked hands in three days, you can try for 1500 raked hands of an additional $100 bonus (no additional deposit required but you cannot withdraw while clearing the bonus). And if your brain hasn’t been reduced to tapioca pudding, after clearing that bonus one more $100 can be grabbed by finishing 2000 hands in three more days.
The bonus whore in me wants to complete all three as free money sounds pretty damn good after the taint kicking I’ve taken lately. Hats off to Nerd for being able to multi-table like a champ, because after 10 tabling $25 PLO8 tables for 2 hours I feel like Duane Bobbick after one round with Norton (yea for Rounders quotes!!!). And with a short session of four tabling before the WPBT event, I only have 83 hands left to clear the first tier of the bonus AND I managed to snag a $22 profit from playing. If I stop speaking gibberish by mid day I’ll be returning to Party tonight to attempt to clear the second tier of the bonus.
Apologies to Johnny Mac for using his line today, but it’s been a trying last few days.
Thanks for dropping by, now if you haven’t checked out Lord Byron’s page for the WPBT events calendar, please do so now. And don’t miss DADI 4: Shorthanded Hold Em’ tonight on Stars! If you want to see a fish out of water, search for Drizztdj tonight at Stars for this tourney. I prefer full ring games and hold em’ is too confusing for this Omatard.
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